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Millennium International Limited

Millennium Case-Study Brief
Engineering And Technical Assistance for The Proposal Of Acquisition Of North-Moravian Water Works





Feasibility to acquire 54.3% of the North Moravian Water Works.

Technical and financial evaluation of the water infrastructure, analysis of existing status and future requirements, considering Czech legal and regulatory framework, water quality requirements and impacts of waste water on the environment.

Full technical review of technical infrastructure regional facilities water distribution system (waste water treatment, water supply and distribution network, sewerage network) in the region. The region is consists from four former districts: Opava, Nový Jičín, Frýdek Místek and Karviná which cover. Economic and financial requirements for the period 2003-2010.


The study was divided into four main parts. (i) Technical inventory and present status of water supply and sewerage systems and waster water treatment, assessment of future demand and supply conditions, demographic household access analysis, water sourcing analysis within the North-Moravian Water Works and detailed analysis of the existing infrastructure in water supply and distribution, waste water treatment and sewerage systems.


North Moravia Regions in the Czech Republic


Water Supply System of the North Moravian Works


           Water Supply System

The second part of the study is a detailed analysis of the existing infrastructure conditions:

  • Pipe system specifications

  • Water balance analysis and forecast

  • Capacity of water resources

  • Evaluation of water quality based on compliance standards

  • Maintenance systems analysis

  • Analysis of breakdowns and repair management

  • Rehabilitation of systems

  • Water leakage reduction management

  • Environmental impact analysis of waster water outflow

Third, analysis of the legal, regulatory requirements, and cost analysis, including:

  • Compliance adherence matrix

  • Expenditures to install and operate contaminant removal technologies

  • Costs of water monitoring and analyzing water samples

  • Management and oversight costs

  • Health effects and risk assessment

  • Contaminant occurrence in drinking water

  • Regulated community statistics

Fourth: Master Plan Budget

  • The master plan covers the period 2003 - 2010, divided in two phases of 3 and 7 years respectively

  • Business plan for the North Moravian Water Works

  • Economic analysis for each village, town and city

  • Investment plan for the sustainability and resilience of NMWW water supply and sewerage systems

  • Analysis of financial grants; following Czech Republic accession to the EU, ISPA funds were replaced by "cohesion" funds.

  • Financial risk assessment 

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